Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Our first Thanksgiving dinner!

So this morning, when Dale attempted to place a pre-order online for a Boston Market Thanksgiving dinner, our internet went stupid (not surprised) and he couldn't place the order.  So instead he went to Meijer.

He picked up all of the stuff we should need to make our own little dinner.  So tomorrow we'll have some turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, and possibly even meatloaf!  I'm totally looking forward to it!  

This is the first year that we can't go to either of our parents' dinners.  I work that night, so going to Ohio is out of the question and his mom is out of town hanging with his sister for the holiday.

Now back to cleaning the house in case I decide to invite a couple friends over for our mini-feast!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


This has been a great year!  So much has been going well in my world this year.  I got two credit cards paid off, Dale started school, and I'm starting to feel my world coming together.

Neither Dale or I have any real plans for Thanksgiving yet, but I have to work that night.  As of right now, our only plans are to stay home and enjoy each other's company for a whole day.  With me working two jobs and Dale having work and school (which is like two jobs) we don't see each other very often. 

I'm actually looking forward to having a holiday without any solid plans!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cookie list

Looks like it's getting to be that time of year again!  I'm getting my list together for cookies this year.  Usually, I go with about three or four standby recipes and one new one.  Over the years I've had a bunch of great recipes. 

For this year, I'm planning the following list:
Chocolate chip (duh)
Sugar (the soft ones)
Peanut Butter (some with jelly, too!)

Not sure if I want to do one more.  This year it turns out that I'll have some help baking but I think fewer recipes with more quantity may be the trick.  Opinions?