Sunday, December 16, 2007

first BIG snow....

Last night it started snowing around 10pm and has only slowed down a little during the day today. It hasn't stopped yet. It is all fluffy snow, so it's very pretty to look at... but driving in it is a different story.
This morning I had to dig my truck, DEX out from under about 10 inches of snow. Then I let her warm up sufficiently then took of on my adventure of getting to work. I was supposed to be there at 9:15. usually that means leaving the apartment at about 9:00, letting the truck run for about 5 minutes then
a ten minute drive in Sunday traffic (none.) Today, I left the apartment at about 5 to 9, dug the truck out of the snow while it was running to warm it up. Then slowly driving out of the lot, onto a side street to the main street. The parking lot at the apartment complex was slowly getting plowed while the side street didn't look like it had seen a blade yet! The main road had seen a plow, but didn't get nearly the attention it needed, so it ended up taking me about 20 minutes to get to work. No stopping, just rolling stops because I didn't want to get stuck because I let the wheels stop turning.
Then when I got to work, the plow hadn't been there yet, either. I parked in my usual corner and just backed it up until I hit the snowbank, then a quick roll forward and it was parked and I ran into the store because I was late. My manager had shoveled and salted the sidewalks
when she got there at 8:30, so they were still clear.
The plow didn't get to the store for a few more hours. After he had cleared one side of the lot, the employees moved our cars and the fleet truck so he could plow the rest.
A couple of people didn't show up today, so I got asked to stay late. I agreed because I need the hours. I got one of the new planograms done. The packet called for it to take 4 hours to do and I had it done in about 3! But I wanted to get it absolutely finished so I ended up staying a little later than expected but it looks great.
Then when I got home, one of my neighbors was having trouble getting out of their parking spot so I tried to help them out. After a little bit some other guy came up and offered help. He just dropped the car into 1st gear and rocked it right out. I didn't even think to put it into a lower gear with it being an automatic, but now I'll remember to use that trick if I ever need it.
I saw a couple of spinouts and stuck vehicles today, but no accidents, so I am glad about that.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Last day of setup...

I'm done with setup for this store now. Today was the setup crew's last day.
It makes me sad... I like to do setup. No uniform, no customers, authorized overtime....

Now that this store is done, I have to wait for another one in the area. I am so glad that AutoZone is expanding so quickly in the area. It looks like I will be able to do another setup in a couple of months!

But while I was at my home store last night, picking up parts, my store manager told me that our store is a taller store than I was originally told. It seems that for at least a couple years now, we've been setting our planograms wrong. They are supposed to be set up differently because of the difference in height.

This means that when I go back to my home store in the next week or so, I will have to re-shelve the ENTIRE store! I'm NOT looking forward to that.
Anyways, I have to get back to doing all of my name-change stuff...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I am finally free!
My divorce became final this morning, and I am SO glad. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
Now all I have to do is all of the same name-change stuff I did before, but in reverse.
I already have my new, updated driver's license on the way. I just need to visit Social Security to get a new card. do some paperwork at work and with a couple of accounts.
I'm so relieved.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Wedding!

So today Andy and Stefani got married!
It was a great day.
The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was a blast! While Stefani was dancing with her dad for the father-daughter dance, Kelly got to watch Stefani's son and give him a bit of wedding cake. Then while they were having the cake, that dance ended and they called for the bride and her son to share a dance. We had to get the baby to his mom on the dance floor from across the room!
I also got to dance and stuff! Dale and I did a couple of slow songs and then Nadine showed me how to do the hustle! So I had a blast and took a few pictures.
Now I am home and I finally have my heels off. *whew!*
Time to rest...

Friday, December 7, 2007

Bustin' it out!

Well, I am currently setting up a new store and until today we were up to a day and a half behind in our work.
Today we were scheduled to get a truck with 22 pallets of stock to go up. That truck was scheduled to be there when we got there at 8 AM. It wasn't there... It also wasn't there yet when we took our break at 10. We couldn't get a hold of the Distribution Center to find out where it was so we were getting worried. And this truck has to get at least mostly done today because we will get another one tomorrow.
Well, the truck finally got there at 11:30. We unloaded the truck, took a lunch and then got right to putting the stock away. 22 pallets filled with stock all got put away and the aftermath cleared by 5:00.
The supervising crew was impressed with our speed and accuracy and was very proud of us.
We only have a half-day tomorrow, so we won't get the whole thing up, but I hope to get most of it done so we don't have to kill ourselves on Monday.

Monday, December 3, 2007


So, I'm new to Blogger, but not to blogging. I had my own website and for my own reasons, I am currently choosing not to renew it.

So anyway, for those of you who stumble across this who don't know me...
I am a girl from the Detroit area, who was born and raised in the Cleveland area. (that makes the Ohio State v. Michigan game fun.)
I love cars and engines.
I work on my very own truck and will not let any mechanic near her whom I don't trust.
I love taking pictures.
I work at AutoZone.
I love to meet new people.
My life can be a bit complicated at times, but whose isn't? I generally can roll with the punches.