Friday, March 18, 2011

Big goal, big prize!

Lately, I've been looking at getting a new car. Not just new to me, I want actual new. I've been looking into the Kia Soul and I want one. I've test driven two at different dealers. One wasn't brand new, but really close as it had 33,000 miles. It had the options I wanted like fog lights, moon roof, and the better sound system and in addition, it had leather seats. I'm not a big fan of leather seats, but it was still really nice.

Now for the downside... There is no way I can afford the payment as well as the insurance payment. The law requires that I have both or neither, so I ended up with neither. I even priced out a lease plan for it, and it was just out of reach. This makes me very sad. I feel like I've worked so hard, and I can't have anything nice for myself.

So, on to the plan. Remember that one of my New Year Resolutions was to pay off my high-interest credit card bill? I'm doing well on that one. So I came up with a plan. Now I will have an incentive, but for a huge incentive, I have to have an equally huge goal.

< drumroll, please >

If I pay off ALL of my credit card debt, I can have a new car.


I have a total of three credit cards and all of them have a balance. Total balance for all three combined is a whopping $8,200. I feel like if I can pay that off by the end of 2013, I've earned a new car.

I have been working hard for a very long time, and I will continue to do so. Now I have set a goal for myself and I plan on reaching it. I have been at my new job for six months already and I still work a couple days a week at the Zone, so I will just keep my nose to the grindstone for a couple more years, pay off my stupid youth, and then I will have earned such an adult thing as a new car.

Wish me luck and lots of overtime!

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