Saturday, May 12, 2012

Keeping busy

So lately I've been keeping pretty busy.  I guess that would be obvious since I haven't posted in over a month!  Between the two jobs and real life, I don't have much time to chill out and type.
At AutoZone there is some construction, rather, deconstruction going on.  My store used to house the regional office.  That has since moved and so they are tearing out that area in order to expand our parts availability.  Just last week they tore out the main wall separating that area from the rest of the store.  Hopefully they finish up soon.  They had to redo a lot of ducting and add another heater/air conditioning unit in addition to tearing out two huge freezer units from back in the day that the building had a grocery store.
When they are done tearing things apart, a setup crew will come in and build out all the shelving and set everything in the right places.  Then a ton of our product will have to move in addition to a ton of new part numbers being added.  Hopefully this will be done sometime this summer.

At the airport, it's just generally been busy.  Mother's Day made us a bit busier, too.  But busy is way better than not busy!  I'm hoping it will stay pretty busy.  With the new commission  schedule, it's even better!

And now the part that's been keeping me even more busy than usual... Dale and I have been riding bikes around town more often.  We've borrowed a couple bikes from his parents and have been using them as  much as we can.  He even rides his bike to work!  It's a great workout  for us both and it's a great reason to get out and about on such nice days.

This is a great use for my new birthday present... A FitBit Ultra!  It's an awesome pedometer.  It counts all sorts of things like flights of stairs climbed and calories burned in addition to number of steps taken!  It also uploads the info via wireless to my computer and that ties in to the app on my phone!  The app lets me track what foods I eat and other workouts, too, so it's all in one place.

Okay, I think I'm caught up on the major stuff... for now.

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