Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sometimes, the logical decision stinks.

With Dale in school, finances have been tight. I expected it, but that doesn't make it much easier. We also have a friend who is struggling financially, Sean. Well, Sean's lease is expiring soon. He has been looking for a roommate to move in with him where he is for a little while, to no avail. So, all of us got together and decided that it would be best, financially, for Sean to move in with Dale and I.

I've really gotten used to being on my own (well, with Dale) and having a roommate again wasn't what I was hoping for.  I feel bad for not wanting to help a friend, but I've simply gotten used to feeling like my apartment was actually my home where I had "carte blanche" and had no real worries.

Now I'm worried about coming home to roommate-induced stress.  Yes, it would seem I'm stressing about stress.  Plus, now we have less than a month to empty the second bedroom, get the apartment all cleaned up and ready to combine two fully-furnished apartments.  Then we have to decide what to do with the rest of the leftover furniture.

Sorry, y'all.  Just needed to vent. I feel like a horrible person for avoiding this, but I feel like I'm giving up my home.

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