Sunday, September 16, 2012

Big news!

So, as usual, I've been keeping really busy with work.  But last week, I got a very promising e-mail...

See, I'd applied for a position as a part-time trucking dispatcher at a nearby company.  It's actually closer to my house than the AutoZone at which I usually work.  Well, I applied months ago and even got an interview!  Sadly, my availability is quite restricted due to my shifts at the airport.  But the interview had even said that he was very impressed with me and would like to work something out.

Well, work something out, he did.  Tomorrow morning, I start training as an on-call dispatcher!  It's very hard for me not to say anything at either job, because I want a solid confirmation, before I tell anyone.  It would hopefully be the end of my stint at AutoZone, but I also don't want the airline to get the wrong idea, and think that I don't love them.  

With the cruise coming up, and Dale still working hard in school, this is a very exciting opportunity.  It would hopefully be a bit more money than the Zone, but I would also be learning a whole new industry.  Lately, I've been looking at taking some classes because I feel the need to always be learning something.  It looks like I don't have to look any more! 

Now, I have to find a "business casual" wardrobe.  I have a few pairs of khaki pants (thanks, Stacy!) and some nice shirts, but I can only hope that I can pass as a professional.  I can't wait to tell Dale's mom in person when she gets back into town.  I'm hoping she would be able to help me spiff up my wardrobe!  Any suggestions?

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