Sunday, November 11, 2012

Drive home with Zen...

This morning when I left work, I took the long way to the time clock and wandered out onto the ramp.  I love seeing my planes at rest on the weekends and it was still nice out.  After stepping outside I noticed the sliver of a moon and a bright star right next to it.  That just made me smile.  Then I walked out to my car and saw a ton of stars in the sky.  I rarely get to see stars anymore, so it is a rare treat.

When I saw those gorgeous stars, and the tail of one of the planes, I just thought of how strange life can be.  If you had showed me that five years ago and told me that it was my life, I wouldn't have believed you.  At that point in my life, I was working my tail off at AutoZone after finally having made it to a management position.  I was barely scraping by, but, as usual, I had hope that I would pull out of it soon.

In the last five years, I've gone to school and graduated, gotten my FAA Dispatch License, gotten a job dispatching airplanes all over North America, found a place that feels like a decent home, and even gone on a cruise!  It's been one hell of a ride, but I wouldn't trade any of it.  I know that I've worked very hard to get to where I am and I'm still working hard to get ready for whatever is lurking around the corner.

So these are the zen thoughts that come to my mind on an early Sunday drive home while watching a beautiful sunrise and looking forward to snuggling my boyfriend.  Thanks for tuning in!

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