Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy 2013!

Out with the old, in with the new! 

I'd like to admit that 2012 was a good year for me in the way of milestones.  Most notably, I paid off all of my credit cards!  That was my resolution at the beginning of the year, and I finally achieved it in December. 

This year will be more about getting my life and home in order.   Currently there are three people in my little apartment and it's getting crowded.  I'd love to be back to just Dale and I, but financially it makes more sense to have one more person to share the load.  Our lease is up in springtime and  we'll revisit this setup when that gets a little closer.  Until then, I have to try to take up as little space as possible.

Goals for this year include:
Clean and maintain my apartment.  (I don't ever want to be embarassed about having people over anymore)
Save up for a down payment on a house
Lose weight and live healthier (Isn't that on everyone's list in January?)

And the important part... How do I plan to go about this?
FlyLady for the apartment.  They go by "baby steps" so you're never behind.  FlyLady focuses on small goals and developing good habits.  My mom has used this and it has worked very well for her.  I just have to get better at managing my time and motivating myself.

For saving, I won't be touching my commission checks, and my paychecks from the trucking company will be going directly into an account that I don't see.  It is a credit union and earns a decent interest rate, so it'll be multiplying itself as well.

As for losing weight and living healthier, I have a FitBit pedometer and scale that automatically synch to my online account.  I can also use their app to track what I eat, and any extra activities I do outside of walking.

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