Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tattoos on children

On my way home the other morning, the radio show was based on a story about a man who, while drunk, tattooed the letters "DB" onto his three year old son. "DB" standing for Daddy's Boy. I was disturbed by this on many levels. Why would you have tattooing needles near your toddler? How could the drunk father be the only person attending his child, and if he wasn't why did nobody stop him?

Then a listener called in with some comments that concerned me further. His five year old son has a tendency to draw on himself. His favorite is to draw the Old English "D" that represents the Detroit Tigers, and many have taken it to represent Detroit as a city. He loves to draw this, as well as a five year old could, on his own chest.

This child's parents are seriously thinking about having this tattooed on the child. The father has the same tattoo and was in a conundrum because he was concerned that he would be a bad parent if he DIDN'T have this tattooed onto his little boy. How does THAT logic go? Think about it, dad, he's probably trying to emulate you. Cover up your own tattoo for a while and see if he stops. He's five and you want to put him through that pain? How in the world could that make you a good parent?

I just got so ticked listening to this show that I had to turn it off.

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