Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

So today is the anniversary of our forefathers biting their thumbs at their old homeland. We worked hard and fought hard for what we finally achieved. From this we have grown immensely.

We are now a world power. My concern is that as a world power, we should be setting a good example by our behavior. I know that, personally, I am proud to be who I am. I help others when I can, I try not to be rude and to appreciate others for who they are and what they do.

Lately, I am realizing more often that I feel as if I am in the minority of people who have good manners and do some simple things such as saying "hello," "please," and "thank you." I find that these things are becoming less common. Ha, common courtesy isn't so common, huh?

For example, today Dale and I decided to have a nice lunch a Pizza Hut since we had a gift card. Near the end of our meal, a large family group comes in. They are loud and immediately start moving the tables around in the dining room. They don't seem to understand when an employee explains that they can't block aisle-ways due to fire hazards. The lady had to explain this at least five times! Then when they gave up with the tables, the adults and children sat at different tables and the adults immediately stopped trying to keep the children in line at all.

Thankfully we were almost done with our meal because I couldn't even reasonably carry on a conversation with the person across the table from me. And I could go on and on about so many similar situations, many of them happening at our own apartment complex.

I'm just so fed up with it. What would the men and women who worked so hard to make this country a great place, think of such ignorant and downright rude behavior? Be sure if their children started yelling inside a building and they weren't injured, that child would at LEAST have more chores to do when they got home.

I guess I just needed to vent.

Happy Birthday USA!

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