Friday, December 23, 2011

Almost Christmas!

It's officially Christmas Eve eve!  I'm totally ready for the Christmas part of Christmas, I'm just not ready for the work part.  I have it all planned out, I just have to make sure I sleep!

Starting Christmas Eve...  I'll be enjoying Christmas Eve at Dale's mom's house.  After dinner and our ONE present, I'll head to work.  After locking up at work, I'll head back to Dale's mom's house for Christmas morning.  After seeing what Santa brought, we will have breakfast and have birthday cake! 

After all of these shenanigans, I'll head off to my parents' house for Christmas brunch.  Santa stops there too, so there are more presents!  All sorts of family will be there, so it is wonderfully loud and obnoxious.  After this we get a nap, then we head to grandma's.  When we are done at grandma's, Christmas is pretty much over, so we head home for some well-deserved sleep.

Other than work, this is pretty much every Christmas for me for the past few years.  It is a lot of activity and a bit more driving than I'd like, but it is worth it to spend some extra time with my family that I don't see enough.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season.  Drive safe and enjoy your friends, family, and loved ones.  Keep in mind that not everyone can be home for the holidays.  I am thankful for these people as they keep us safe while we are celebrating.  Peace and love, everyone! 

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