Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So it is officially 2012.  As usual, I have a couple resolutions for the new year.

Last year I paid off two of my three credit cards.  This means that number three is on the chopping block for this year.  It has the highest balance so it's going to be a bit of a challenge.  But I think the most challenging part will be that, with Dale in school, I won't be able to attack this one as hard as I did the last two.  We'll see how it turns out.

The second resolution is to lose some weight.  I have already started to attack this one!  My mom steered me to an app that follows your phone's GPS as you walk and tracks how many calories you've burned.  I can share these walks on Facebook, too. 

My mom and I share our walks and get a little competitive with them.  She walks in the morning with the dogs. She has a nice place that is away from civilization a bit, so she can walk on the soft ground instead of a hard sidewalk, which is nice. 

Dale and I have been exploring a bunch of new places to walk.  With the weather getting colder we have been looking into more indoor places such as malls.  On warm days we go to parks, but those are getting rare.  But it's getting me out and moving, which is the point.

What resolutions do you have? How are you working on them?

1 comment:

Libby said...

I'm going to be taking a picture a day, be it happy, sad, funny, or random. I hope that it helps me notice the little things in life

I'm also determined to use a cookbook at least once a week. I have so many but I never use them.