Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Los Poconos!

This past weekend, I went to the Poconos to visit my brother and his family. His eldest son was getting confirmed and his newest baby girl was getting baptized. It was a very busy, but fun, weekend!
I haven't seen this family in years, and they have all changed so much! Chase is a teenager now. Cecilia is growing up as such a wonderful, friendly girl. Declan is even getting big and he adores his little sister. And baby Rosie is adorable and only cries when she's hungry and only fusses a little bit otherwise.
It was a great weekend! I felt right at home for the whole weekend and I was SO glad to have taken the time to take this trip. I didn't realize exactly how much I missed everyone and I loved being with them.


Anonymous said...

We loved seeing you, too! Fred was really bumming on Friday, missing you guys.

PS Thanks for not mentioning how some of us have grown... ;-)

V said...

I'm glad to hear that my brother actually misses me. It's not something he would admit to on his own. ;-)
And I think you look great, anyway! Just think, last time I saw you before this you were still pregnant... So you lost a bunch of weight since I last saw you!