Thursday, May 5, 2011

Greatest birthday celebration!

So this past few days I've been celebrating my birthday. It has been great! I've been able to see a lot of people I've been missing.

Let's start with Sunday...
I was scheduled to work until 7am. At 6:40, I got a call from my relief saying that his car wouldn't start and he'd be late. I finally got out of there at 8:15. I hurried home, took a nap then got ready and hit the road. When I got to my parents' house, I took another nap.
When I got up we met at grandma's to head to Donatos for pizza. I've missed Donatos pizza! We had some great pizza and chatted for a while. Afterward, my sister, brother and I went to Friendly's and picked up a Moose Tracks ice cream cake. We took that back to grandma's and served it up! With that and birthday presents for dad and I it was pretty fun.
This concluded Sunday. I went home and happily went to bed.

I woke up and got ready for a ride-along with NRPD (my hometown police department.) Patrolman Neff and I patrolled the city for a few hours. We didn't do a whole lot of major enforcement, but it being a Monday morning, I wasn't surprised. While I was at the station I got to see many officers that I haven't seen in over five years. It was a great blast from the past.
After I was done with my ride-along, I picked up Bridget and we went to Lakewood to pick up Jessey and Bella. We all then wandered off to Dave and Busters for some game time. Through the evening we were joined by a few others... Allison, Jamie, Alex, Moe and Julie all ended up there at some point in the evening. I haven't seen many of these people for at least a few months. Julie came in after work and ended up taking a nap on Tom after having dinner.
Everyone ended up leaving with some awesome prizes and we all played some cool games. It was a great night.

Bridget, mom and I all woke up early (it wasn't fun) and started a surprise attack. We went to grandma's church and since we were a little late, we snuck in the back. ("God understands, Father... not so much") At communion we slipped into the pew in front of grandma. She was quite surprised to see us there. After mass we went to breakfast and chatted with grandma and her breakfast group. It was rather entertaining.
Afterward Bridget and I went home, packed up and hit the road.
When we got back to Michigan we started up our Fast and Furious marathon. We had just finished the third movie and realized that we didn't have the fourth ready. We went to the movie store and rented the fourth one (on got snacks, of course) then got settled back in and watched the last installment. After that, I went to bed... I was sleepy.

Dale had to work at ten, so I ended up getting up around nine and hanging out with him for a bit. After he left for work I woke Bridget and we got out the door for the day's adventure.
We went to Somerset Collection to wander around for a bit and see what we could afford.
We started out searching for the "right" parking garage. I wanted the one by the food court and we couldn't seem to find the right one. In the meantime, we wandered and took pictures of the scenery. Mostly the photo subjects were clouds and cars, but one crazy bird adventure also made it.
When we finally found where I wanted to be, we grabbed a bite to eat and watched the valets who were working so hard. (The Maserati was a gorgeous thing to stare at.) We ended up hitting up the Sweet Factory, The Detroit Shoppe, and the Lego Store.

After this adventure, we went back to the apartment to relax for a minute before heading out to Dave and Busters. This time the group ended up being decidedly smaller but we still had lots of fun. I ended up turning a bunch (almost all) of my tickets for a HUGE stuffed gorilla. (It's a toy, not a real gorilla. Don't want any confusion.)
After we left Dave and Buster's we wandered over to National Coney Island for some grub. After a couple of 99 cent coneys, we called it a night and I headed off to work. Work was pretty slow, but with the upcoming trip to PA, I couldn't afford to miss any time.

I had a great birthday celebration and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many people that I haven't seen in a while and playing at Dave and Buster's was such a blast. I see why Bridget takes people there every week or so.


Every Little Thing said...

Glad you had a good birthday!

V said...

Thanks, Stacy!