Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yay! Victims *Ahem* Volunteers, rather.

So I've been trying to get better at taking pictures of people.  I've never been that great at it because they don't just stay still and let you take a picture.  People require work, and boy that is definitely a life lesson there!

Well just before my most recent visit to Ohio, my friends Rebbie and Choji got all engaged and stuff!  (Congrats, kids!)  Well, I offered to take some pictures of them and if they liked the photos, they could feel free to call them the official engagement photos.  I figure this is a win-win since they would get engagement photos and I would get practice and possibly some additions to my portfolio.

Well, sadly Choji wasn't feeling well during the time I was there, so we didn't go out.  But my sister found another victi- *ahem* volunteer!  Her coworker Kara would be interested in sacrificing her family to my photographic lack-of-practice.  Well, I know that kids are a challenge in real life, but to photograph them and make them look like the angels their mommy knows they are is way more than a challenge.  I'm totally psyched (and a bit scared) to attack this challenge.

And this "morning" (I use the term loosely) Rebbie texted me to see if I would be interested in maybe taking some shots for her senior pictures!  I'm so excited to have all of these offers to help me out.  Sure, it's helping them, too, but if I'm already going to be down there, the shoot will only cost my time since I have no props.  Sure, prints will cost, but that would be a direct pass-through for these ladies.  

I'm ready to start practicing!  Oh, my models are 200 miles away!  Bummer....

Friday, December 23, 2011

Almost Christmas!

It's officially Christmas Eve eve!  I'm totally ready for the Christmas part of Christmas, I'm just not ready for the work part.  I have it all planned out, I just have to make sure I sleep!

Starting Christmas Eve...  I'll be enjoying Christmas Eve at Dale's mom's house.  After dinner and our ONE present, I'll head to work.  After locking up at work, I'll head back to Dale's mom's house for Christmas morning.  After seeing what Santa brought, we will have breakfast and have birthday cake! 

After all of these shenanigans, I'll head off to my parents' house for Christmas brunch.  Santa stops there too, so there are more presents!  All sorts of family will be there, so it is wonderfully loud and obnoxious.  After this we get a nap, then we head to grandma's.  When we are done at grandma's, Christmas is pretty much over, so we head home for some well-deserved sleep.

Other than work, this is pretty much every Christmas for me for the past few years.  It is a lot of activity and a bit more driving than I'd like, but it is worth it to spend some extra time with my family that I don't see enough.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season.  Drive safe and enjoy your friends, family, and loved ones.  Keep in mind that not everyone can be home for the holidays.  I am thankful for these people as they keep us safe while we are celebrating.  Peace and love, everyone! 

Friday, December 2, 2011

3 days!!

In 3 days, mommy, Bridget and Rebbie will be here!  We have some shopping and baking tentatively planned.  If we make an actual plan it won't work, so we have some ideas at this point.

We have permission to invade Dale's mom's house for the baking.  She has two full kitchens, so we can get through this a little faster.  Her only requirements were that we cleaned up after ourselves and that we leave her some cookies when we leave.  We can do that!

We are also planning on some shopping at Great Lakes Outlets.  They have a Victoria's Secret outlet, so that should be a blast!  We hope to get some Christmas shopping done while they are up here.  It's just so much more fun to go shopping with friends, than all by yourself.

When we go shopping, I'll only be taking a list of people who I would like to get gifts for and when something strikes me as awesome for that person, I'll pick it up.  I'm curious if this is how most people shop or do they plan things out before they head to the store?

I also ordered some postcards from Zazzle with a wintery flair to them.  I'm all excited because I designed these from photos that I've taken!  And with my postcard project I hope to reach a bunch of people.  They should be here next Tuesday, so I can't wait to see how they came out. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Our first Thanksgiving dinner!

So this morning, when Dale attempted to place a pre-order online for a Boston Market Thanksgiving dinner, our internet went stupid (not surprised) and he couldn't place the order.  So instead he went to Meijer.

He picked up all of the stuff we should need to make our own little dinner.  So tomorrow we'll have some turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, and possibly even meatloaf!  I'm totally looking forward to it!  

This is the first year that we can't go to either of our parents' dinners.  I work that night, so going to Ohio is out of the question and his mom is out of town hanging with his sister for the holiday.

Now back to cleaning the house in case I decide to invite a couple friends over for our mini-feast!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


This has been a great year!  So much has been going well in my world this year.  I got two credit cards paid off, Dale started school, and I'm starting to feel my world coming together.

Neither Dale or I have any real plans for Thanksgiving yet, but I have to work that night.  As of right now, our only plans are to stay home and enjoy each other's company for a whole day.  With me working two jobs and Dale having work and school (which is like two jobs) we don't see each other very often. 

I'm actually looking forward to having a holiday without any solid plans!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cookie list

Looks like it's getting to be that time of year again!  I'm getting my list together for cookies this year.  Usually, I go with about three or four standby recipes and one new one.  Over the years I've had a bunch of great recipes. 

For this year, I'm planning the following list:
Chocolate chip (duh)
Sugar (the soft ones)
Peanut Butter (some with jelly, too!)

Not sure if I want to do one more.  This year it turns out that I'll have some help baking but I think fewer recipes with more quantity may be the trick.  Opinions?

Friday, October 28, 2011

One down!

Remember when I said my New Year's resolution was to pay off a specific credit card?  Yeah, I already have that done.  I'm totally proud of myself for having it all paid off two months early!

Now I still have two cards that carry a balance.  The lower balance one I can have paid off by the end of the year.  That would be two cards paid off instead of just one!  The other cards is going to be quite a bit trickier.

Keep in mind that I allowed myself until the end of 2013 to have all three paid off... But I like a challenge.  Now with Dale in school, it's a bit harder because I try to pay more when rent comes around so he can make his bills.  But I'm still going to work my butt off to get this last one paid off as soon as possible.

If I run things REALLY tight in 2012, I can do it.  That would be very nice.  But, honestly, I will be quite happy if I can get this paid off and some saving built up before Dale finished school.  Yes, I'm a dreamer and a planner.  No, my plans don't often work out.  But hard work and scrimping has gotten me this far, and I will continue with it for a while longer.

P.S. I found out from a 'class' at my local library that for your credit score, when the bureaus look at credit cards, they look at "available credit"  vs. "balance" and if your balance is more than half the total available credit, it drops your score significantly.  I found it to be good info, and I hope it helps.

Postcards Project expanding

My postcard project is slowly starting to expand a little further.  I am now starting to send postcards to family and friends as well as my forums people!  
A few weeks ago I added my aunt who had been in the hospital to the list as well as my grandma who loves to travel.  Just today I added three more people!  Now the list also includes a friend of mine from high school who is in the Navy and scheduled to go to Tokyo in a few months, my sister who I don't see very often, and my niece!

I'm totally excited to see this grow.  I was previously worried that I wouldn't be able to keep myself motivated on this project, but I have found that getting a postcard in my mailbox once in a while keeps me interested in keeping this going.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm such a dork...

I'm totally excited to make this slow cooker pot roast recipe I found on an A1 bottle!

I'm planning to make it on Monday.  I'll start it in the morning then soak up the smells in the apartment all day until it's ready for dinner.  I even invited a couple friends over to share the wealth.  (The recipe makes 8 servings!!)  I'll let you know how it goes... I'm totally psyched!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My first stack of coupons!

Well, thanks to Dale's mom, I have a giant stack of coupons! There are even some coupons for dining out! I'm so excited to start on this track. I almost can't wait to go shopping. Totally crazy, right?

Now I'm off to find a coupon holder to contain all of these!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Countdown continues....

Dale starts school in a couple days! I'm still excited for him to start this new venture, but also a little apprehensive. Not apprehensive about school, or even how well Dale will do. I'm apprehensive about how we will sneak by on the bills.

I'm clipping coupons, and finding deals, still! I'm working on finding a coupon holder, though. One of my coworkers' wife apparently uses a baseball card holder. She has it organized to the store she shops at constantly. Each page is for a separate aisle and she has it all arranged so everything is easy to get to.

I just have to decide which store I'm going to plan to use. Kroger doubles coupons, but we will shortly have a credit card that can only be used at Meijer. Personally, I'd rather go to Meijer because I know the store better.

And the other day, Dale took back our bottle returns that have piled up and got $13! We really have just been letting them add up. So that's another couple dollars for groceries.

But the thought that keeps me upbeat about being broke for the next two years is that Dale will have a degree and be able to get a big kid job! I just have to keep on truckin'.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Woodward Weekend!!

On my drive to work tonight, I was fantastically reminded that this weekend is the Woodward Dream Cruise! I passed about 3 classics and then I realized that Woodward Avenue extends up to the area near my work.

For anyone who doesn't know, Woodward Dream Cruise is a GIANT, most awesome car show... that rolls. It is a huge collection of classics and muscle cars all in one place. Some rolling down the street, even! I mean, what good is a beautiful car, if it doesn't run?

I'm going to try to get a couple of my friends together to wander down to see all the shinies! This promises to be a gorgeous weekend!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My little world is better when...

One of the many things that make my day feel a little lighter is having the dishes all clean and put away. I don't have a dishwasher, so it all has to be done by hand.

It's all so redundant that I just can't stand it some days. And after making dinner (especially when we have people over) I really don't feel like cleaning dishes.

But tonight, Dale and I teamed up and defeated those dirty dishes. Than means I can sleep well when I get home in the morning. Yay!

Friday, August 12, 2011

If only I could make it happen

I have always had a problem with streetlights on rainy nights. The overhead lighting reflects off the rain on the windshield and blinds me.

I have a solution, someone who is much smarter should maybe execute it.

Make the lights turn off when there's more than a drizzle worth of rain.
Make the street lines glow, bioluminesce, or something along those lines.

It sounds so simple... sadly, it isn't. But I think it would work! You wouldn't be blinded by the lights in the rain, but you could still see the lines.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Yay for shiny electronics!

So now Dale and I have a new netbook! Why would we spend money on that when we have the desktop at home? Well, Dale is going back to school!

Two weeks from today he will be starting classes for the "Mechatronics" program at the community college. This program incorporates mechanics, pneumatics, and electronics into a bundle and teaches you how to work on the robots in manufacturing plants.

When we were trying to find a program that might interest him he had mentioned each of these things individually as things he would like to learn more about. When he was telling me the classes involved in this program, I just couldn't believe that all of these were in one program and it all just sounded perfect!

As I know how hard it is to make the leap of faith and make school a priority over a job you already have, I have made sure to remind him that I will help as much as possible. I got him this netbook as a congratulatory gift for going back to school. I know he will do well, and I'm proud of him for making this step.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Etiquette, people!

I cannot abide rude people! It is often something as simple as "please" and "thank you" that makes any personal encounter pleasant. All too often these simple things are completely overlooked or disregarded entirely.

I've worked in customer service for more than a decade and I can tell you that the more pleasant you are to work with, the more likely I am to go further to help you. If you act like you are better than me, I will not be inclined to bring you to my level.

I was pleasantly surprised at Wal-Mart today when I asked a lady where to find something. She addressed me directly, looked me in the eye and told me where I could find what I was looking for and that if I still couldn't find it she'd still be there and she could walk me to it. I wasn't expecting this because so often, encounters like this are not the way it normally goes.

In my personal life as well as my professional life, I try to be as courteous as possible. I always say "please" and "thank you." I hold doors for people when I can and always try to help people to the best of my abilities.

Rarely has common courtesy been unappreciated, but, sadly, it is no longer 'common' in today's society. So sad.

Friday, July 22, 2011


So as my sister and I both take a ton of pictures, I was thinking that maybe we might post some up somewhere and sell them. I've been looking for a website to utilize for this and all I seem to run into are sites for stock photography. Our photos don't often end up as stock photography, so it seems like I will have to continue digging.

Just so you know, 'stock photography' is comprised of images that can be used for many different advertising routes. When you pass that billboard with a chair and umbrella situated on a beach, that image is a stock image. They have no discernible brands identified and can be used for multiple purposes.

I definitely don't ever intend to become a millionaire by selling photos, but I would like to share them and getting paid for my time and work is always a good thing. I'm just apprehensive at this point. I don't want my images to get stolen, but I do want them to be seen by the world.

I'll have to do more research and talk this all over with my sister, but I'm pretty excited about this prospect! She's looking for a way to make more money and as a new job would be the best route, she is looking into all possible avenues. She has been going to school for journalism, but likes to write short stories rather than articles. Wish her luck finding a big-kid job!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Leader Dogs...

The other day in my wanderings I happened to drive by a place called "Leader Dogs" and noticed that their sign advertised a need for volunteers. That piqued my interest and I went to their website.

After looking through the open volunteer opportunities, I concluded that my best match would be a Puppy Care Assistant.
"Puppy Care Assistants volunteer one 3 hour shift each week to provide care, socialization, and exercise to both adult dogs and puppies. This includes walking, grooming, set-up of puppy pens, general clean-up, laundry, and feeding as directed. This is a physical, dirty job."
I think this would be a lot of fun and a great way to help a great cause. I miss having a dog of my own and this would give me the chance to be around dogs every week. It would also let me feel like I'm making an impact in the great, wide world.

And I have a bit of experience socializing pups as my aunt breeds, raises, and shows poodles. It is quite fun to approach a pen full of dogs that are excited to see you and just want to play and hang out with you.

I will have to work out the scheduling to work with both of my jobs, but I think it would be so much fun and rewarding.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So many RSVPs!

So this summer is already shaping up to be a busy one! Too bad my main events are in Ohio.

This past weekend included a family reunion, a Birthday / Housewarming party for my friend Alex, going to see Harry Potter with some of my cousins, and kidnapping Miss Jessey and Bella to go see Brigid's Cross in the park. It was a totally rockin' weekend! Bella even got close to attacking Paulie of Brigid's Cross. Peggy thought that it would have been hilarious. (Peggy and Paulie make up the band, Brigid's Cross.)

Next weekend will be Alex's surprise bridal shower (SHH! Don't tell!) The I'll have Alex's wedding to go to and then in October I have Erika's wedding to attend... I have to be at that one because I am a bridesmaid! I'm totally looking forward to the weddings as I often have a blast and my dress for Erika's wedding is adorable!

I have finally sent in my RSVPs for the wedding events and now it's just waiting...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

One bill out of the way!

... At least for a while, anyway. As mentioned in this post I have sold the two beater cars. A happy side effect of this that I didn't see right away was a drop in insurance. Mind you, I lost my multi-car discount, but in the grand scheme of things it wasn't bad.

So... Since I only have one vehicle insured and I had a TON of overtime this paycheck, I paid off the insurance. So that means that I don't owe a thing unless I change something, which isn't really likely. And the best part is that I'm done until JANUARY! I'm totally excited about this. It will help pay off other bills and save up a bit.

I'm totally psyched. This feels awesome!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Now for planning ahead...

So I'm trying something new... Menus!
Meal planning is going to take a little bit of work, but I think that they will really help out a lot in the long run. I won't have to worry about what to make for dinner at the last minute. It will also help out in shopping excursions, too.

A friend at work's wife is very good at utilizing coupons along with sales. I hope to be able to work on getting better at this myself. I don't want to become obsessive with it, I just want to save some money. I finally feel like I'm making some headway in my bills and I want to keep going in that direction.

I think that this is a good track for me to get onto. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Okay, so it's the little things...

So my truck has a new windshield... that I have to clean inside and out. But no cracks!!

Dale's had a couple days off, and he's actually had a chance to hang around the house. He cleaned up the living room and got a chance to chill and watch TV and play video games. It's been a long time since he's been able to due to car maintenance schedules... All of the cars...

We went to see Cars 2 yesterday. It was very fun! It kept you guessing who the bad guy was. And we saw it in IMAX 3D so it was really cool!

We had dinner the past couple evenings at Dale's parents' house. It was cool to hang out and it also helped my food budget. Oh, yeah, I am starting to work harder at an at-home menu / budget. Last week I was so proud of myself. I took the Meijer ad from the mailbox area. I used the sale items to make a list. I used the list in order to find coupons. Then feeling all prepared, I went to the store, only to find that the ad that I based all of this planning on was LAST week's ad! Oops! I was a bit aggravated, but I persevered and ended up getting food for the next two weeks and got a couple good deals.

So it's all about the little victories that keep me going.

Happy Independence Day!

So today is the anniversary of our forefathers biting their thumbs at their old homeland. We worked hard and fought hard for what we finally achieved. From this we have grown immensely.

We are now a world power. My concern is that as a world power, we should be setting a good example by our behavior. I know that, personally, I am proud to be who I am. I help others when I can, I try not to be rude and to appreciate others for who they are and what they do.

Lately, I am realizing more often that I feel as if I am in the minority of people who have good manners and do some simple things such as saying "hello," "please," and "thank you." I find that these things are becoming less common. Ha, common courtesy isn't so common, huh?

For example, today Dale and I decided to have a nice lunch a Pizza Hut since we had a gift card. Near the end of our meal, a large family group comes in. They are loud and immediately start moving the tables around in the dining room. They don't seem to understand when an employee explains that they can't block aisle-ways due to fire hazards. The lady had to explain this at least five times! Then when they gave up with the tables, the adults and children sat at different tables and the adults immediately stopped trying to keep the children in line at all.

Thankfully we were almost done with our meal because I couldn't even reasonably carry on a conversation with the person across the table from me. And I could go on and on about so many similar situations, many of them happening at our own apartment complex.

I'm just so fed up with it. What would the men and women who worked so hard to make this country a great place, think of such ignorant and downright rude behavior? Be sure if their children started yelling inside a building and they weren't injured, that child would at LEAST have more chores to do when they got home.

I guess I just needed to vent.

Happy Birthday USA!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

SO busy lately...

There's been so much going on lately, that I've barely had any time to do anything leisurely.

My truck is getting a new windshield. It started as a little chip (the third one) and started to crack. By the time the repair guy got to me, it was too big for him to fix it. So I scheduled a replacement. It was $50 cheaper to go without my insurance, so that was an easy decision.

Of course, I had just scrubbed all of my windows, including that one, inside and out. After they replace the glass, they clean all the windows for ya!

Next up, Dale and I have sold BOTH of our beater cars. As of last night, we are back to basics. Both cars were sold to co-workers of Dale. So he'll get to see them and keep up with how they're doing without having to do any of the work.

This will keep our maintenance costs down so we should be able to save a little bit of money. Since we are looking to buy a new car in the next couple years, it will be good to save up some cash. One of the cars we are looking at purchasing has free dealer maintenance for 3 years or 36,000 miles!

Other than that, Dale and I have both been working hard and have gotten to spend some time together. We spent some time dog-sitting this past weekend and hung out at the house to keep the doggie company. We ended up playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 for a while as the dog was passed out. It's the little things that I love.

There's one other thing, but I'm waiting for Dale to make it public before I tell the world. I'm SO excited, but it's his news, not mine, so I'll wait... impatiently. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mailbox Project

So my sister, Bridget, and I were talking about how nobody ever sends letters in the mail any more. Well, my thought process is that I'm too lazy to write out a whole letter. I can never think if anything to say. Besides that, I would have to remember not to mention the same topic in one of our phone conversations.

So to make this adventure more probable, my mind wandered to postcards. You don't HAVE to write anything except the address you are mailing it to. So this idea has now started rolling...

I talked about it with one of the guys on my forum and he mentioned that it would a cool thing to post in the forums and see if we could get anyone else involved. So I posted the basic info and I actually have a number of people interested!

We now have about 10 people involved. We can all just randomly mail a postcard to anyone on the list as we want to. I hope to make this a bigger thing, but I'm really excited to be off to a good start as it is.

So yesterday morning I mailed off a stack of postcards to all of the people on the list as well as a couple of my ladies. I'm really excited to get this started. I'm even more excited to see what cool postcards these goofs come up with to send. Heck, I even have a little photo album all ready to store the postcards I get.

I swear I feel like a little kid. I'm actually excited to go to my mailbox again! I used to LOVE it, but lately, it's gotten bland...

Monday, May 23, 2011

I went flying!

So I had an opportunity to jump seat on one of our trips yesterday. Since I don't have a passport, I can't go on most of our trips, since we do a lot of international flights. This one was Laredo, Texas to Lansing, MI. With the freight dropping off so close to home base, I was sure to get home.

Laredo was HOT! It was 41*C, about 105*F. And the weight of the freight, in addition to the heat, there was a concern that we wouldn't be able to leave. As with most engines, aircraft engines like the cold more than heat. Therefore they perform better in the cold, and don't do as well in the heat. The hotter it is, the less weight the engines can handle. Thankfully, we didn't have as much freight weight as possible and we could work within tolerances. If we turned off "packs" it takes a little more stress from the engines, so we could take off. (I was worried for a minute.)

There was so much that I knew, but didn't really apply to an actual flight. Like, I knew it was REALLY cold way up there, but didn't realize that the aircraft regularly goes from -50 degrees Celsius to 50 degrees Celsius. That is a solid 100 degree difference that happens pretty regularly. That explains a lot of wear and tear on the aircraft and therefore one of the many reasons that they have such strict maintenance requirements.

I now understand turbulence. I've not really flown much, so this phenomenon was all theory to me. In reality it's like a bumpy car ride. It didn't really get horrible, but there was an obvious difference between the smooth section and the rough winds.

Taking off and landing was the most interesting part of the flight (of course) because there was so much going on. They ran checklists while they were descending and kept in contact with the tower all while lining up and preparing to land. Taking off was similar, except we had to position so that we were going the right way.

Overall, I had a blast and I would love to do this again!
By the way, all photos are copyrighted by me, so please abide by copyright laws, thank you!

Friday, May 20, 2011


So yesterday, Dale and I ended up near the Fiat dealer. I'd priced them out and they are on the list of possible cars we wanted to check out.

Well, it was about eight o'clock in the evening, so we wandered over with no thought of any salespeople. After we looked around for a few minutes, Dale mentioned "I guess they are still open." I turned around and there was a salesman walking toward us.

We went into the showroom to check out the floor models and they really are nifty little cars. We ended up taking one for a test drive... Let's just say that they are definitely still on the list of possibilities.

Admittedly, the back seat was a little cramped, but we don't take passengers too often and we would still have another vehicle available if we did want to take people. The rear seats fold down, so we can still put groceries or car parts in there if we want to. They also have that LATCH thing for car seats in case I end up having to take Bella somewhere when I visit Jess.

Overall, it's a cute little gas-sipper. Can you imagine me driving a Fiat 500 instead of my truck? Wow.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oops, I did it again!

Speeding, that is.

I have been so good since my last ticket. The other day I was on my way home from visiting Dale at work... First time driving my truck in a while and I was preoccupied with trying to figure out how I'm going to pay my bills. Then I saw the nice officer in the median and looked down... 80 in a 70 zone.

Here I'm thinking "Please don't, please don't, please don't, oh, crap." So I pulled over as soon as I possibly could. I was cooperative and all and hoped he would go easy on me. He totally wrote me a ticket. Actually, printed out a citation for me. It is a printout from the officer's mobile computer! Ah, technology.

Now I have another bill to worry about and it's due the day before I get paid. I see my scant saving evaporating already. Joy.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Always a bridesmaid...

...Well, not really. But in a few months I am going to be a bridesmaid! I'm so excited! I'm even being useful!

Let's start from the beginning...
My friend Erika is getting married! She asked for my address in order to send the invitation and I readily told her the info. A few days later, I get a cute little yellow envelope in the mail from her. I excitedly rip it open to find inside a cute little card asking me to be her bridesmaid. Of course, I called to to tell her "hell yes" I would be her bridesmaid and we got to chatting...

Of course we chatted about all sorts of her wedding plans and I told her to pretty please let me know if she needed help with anything. Later that evening, while attempting to reach the end of the internet, I found all sorts of fun ideas for wedding favors. So I took all the links, rolled them up into an e-mail and sent them on.

I know how much work and money that a wedding requires and I know that I only helped out a little, but every little bit helps. I'm SO excited for this wedding and I'm so glad Erika and John found each other. Erika's like another sister to me and I wish her all the best this world has to offer. (Go Navy, E!)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Los Poconos!

This past weekend, I went to the Poconos to visit my brother and his family. His eldest son was getting confirmed and his newest baby girl was getting baptized. It was a very busy, but fun, weekend!
I haven't seen this family in years, and they have all changed so much! Chase is a teenager now. Cecilia is growing up as such a wonderful, friendly girl. Declan is even getting big and he adores his little sister. And baby Rosie is adorable and only cries when she's hungry and only fusses a little bit otherwise.
It was a great weekend! I felt right at home for the whole weekend and I was SO glad to have taken the time to take this trip. I didn't realize exactly how much I missed everyone and I loved being with them.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fast Five

So tonight Dale, Bridget and I went to see the movie "Fast Five" at the theater. It was great!! I was afraid that this series had run out of new, exciting tricks. As it turns out, they have not. There were a few twists and turns that I did not see coming.

At one point in the movie there is a fight between Vin Diesel and "the Rock" and Bridget and I were trying to guess who would win. She said the bald one would win. My vote was on the one with large biceps. We both turned out to be right!

I am very excited about this movie. I really enjoyed watching it and I hope to see it again soon. If I don't see it again in theaters, I will find it when it comes out on DVD.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Greatest birthday celebration!

So this past few days I've been celebrating my birthday. It has been great! I've been able to see a lot of people I've been missing.

Let's start with Sunday...
I was scheduled to work until 7am. At 6:40, I got a call from my relief saying that his car wouldn't start and he'd be late. I finally got out of there at 8:15. I hurried home, took a nap then got ready and hit the road. When I got to my parents' house, I took another nap.
When I got up we met at grandma's to head to Donatos for pizza. I've missed Donatos pizza! We had some great pizza and chatted for a while. Afterward, my sister, brother and I went to Friendly's and picked up a Moose Tracks ice cream cake. We took that back to grandma's and served it up! With that and birthday presents for dad and I it was pretty fun.
This concluded Sunday. I went home and happily went to bed.

I woke up and got ready for a ride-along with NRPD (my hometown police department.) Patrolman Neff and I patrolled the city for a few hours. We didn't do a whole lot of major enforcement, but it being a Monday morning, I wasn't surprised. While I was at the station I got to see many officers that I haven't seen in over five years. It was a great blast from the past.
After I was done with my ride-along, I picked up Bridget and we went to Lakewood to pick up Jessey and Bella. We all then wandered off to Dave and Busters for some game time. Through the evening we were joined by a few others... Allison, Jamie, Alex, Moe and Julie all ended up there at some point in the evening. I haven't seen many of these people for at least a few months. Julie came in after work and ended up taking a nap on Tom after having dinner.
Everyone ended up leaving with some awesome prizes and we all played some cool games. It was a great night.

Bridget, mom and I all woke up early (it wasn't fun) and started a surprise attack. We went to grandma's church and since we were a little late, we snuck in the back. ("God understands, Father... not so much") At communion we slipped into the pew in front of grandma. She was quite surprised to see us there. After mass we went to breakfast and chatted with grandma and her breakfast group. It was rather entertaining.
Afterward Bridget and I went home, packed up and hit the road.
When we got back to Michigan we started up our Fast and Furious marathon. We had just finished the third movie and realized that we didn't have the fourth ready. We went to the movie store and rented the fourth one (on got snacks, of course) then got settled back in and watched the last installment. After that, I went to bed... I was sleepy.

Dale had to work at ten, so I ended up getting up around nine and hanging out with him for a bit. After he left for work I woke Bridget and we got out the door for the day's adventure.
We went to Somerset Collection to wander around for a bit and see what we could afford.
We started out searching for the "right" parking garage. I wanted the one by the food court and we couldn't seem to find the right one. In the meantime, we wandered and took pictures of the scenery. Mostly the photo subjects were clouds and cars, but one crazy bird adventure also made it.
When we finally found where I wanted to be, we grabbed a bite to eat and watched the valets who were working so hard. (The Maserati was a gorgeous thing to stare at.) We ended up hitting up the Sweet Factory, The Detroit Shoppe, and the Lego Store.

After this adventure, we went back to the apartment to relax for a minute before heading out to Dave and Busters. This time the group ended up being decidedly smaller but we still had lots of fun. I ended up turning a bunch (almost all) of my tickets for a HUGE stuffed gorilla. (It's a toy, not a real gorilla. Don't want any confusion.)
After we left Dave and Buster's we wandered over to National Coney Island for some grub. After a couple of 99 cent coneys, we called it a night and I headed off to work. Work was pretty slow, but with the upcoming trip to PA, I couldn't afford to miss any time.

I had a great birthday celebration and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many people that I haven't seen in a while and playing at Dave and Buster's was such a blast. I see why Bridget takes people there every week or so.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Well, my birthday is officially over, but the celebration has just begun!
I have tons of plans for the whole next week. I'm going to see a bunch of people that I haven't seen in a while and it's going to be great!
I don't have much else to say right now except that I have had this feeling for a while that 27 will be great!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The last straw

So Dale learned at his work exactly how precarious his position was. His company just let go a whole bunch of people of the same title as he has. So he made up his mind.

He is going to look into what type of industry he wants to go into as a career. He doesn't want just another job any more. He is now researching what type of career he would like and is planning on going to school in the fall for whatever industry he decides on.

We are going to a job fair in a couple weeks, and he will be gauging his options. I will be exploring what is out there for me as well, but the main purpose is to help Dale set a directions for his future.

Wish us luck!!

Project Progress!

So now that Dale and I are all by ourselves in the apartment now, we can truly make it our own. With the other bedroom available, I have all sorts of ideas and plans for the extra space. It'll be a great place for a workspace for Dale and his R/C car projects, and the extra closet space will house out of season clothes and other clothing that is not worn as often, and even as a guest bedroom!

Well, a few days ago we moved a twin bed into the room and set it up. Today the bedding I ordered came in and Dale made up the bed while I was at work. He sent me a picture and it looks great!

Yesterday I cleaned up a whole bunch of clothes that I had no place for in my room. It made a huge difference in the appearance of the whole room! I overloaded my hamper with all of the clothes that needed washed and hung up a bunch of hoodies and my pants (I haven't had a place for them before) and put them in the other closet. Now I feel like there is SO much less clutter!

I think that mindset is what helps me become motivated to keep the rest of the apartment tidy. I living room is pretty well straightened up and the kitchen counters are all clean, I do the dishes so that there aren't any sitting overnight, I even make dinner more often since I feel less claustrophobic in the kitchen.

It's funny how one thing leads to another. I'm loving this new freedom in my own home. Sure, it's not a house, but it's what I have for now and I like the changes.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tattoos on children

On my way home the other morning, the radio show was based on a story about a man who, while drunk, tattooed the letters "DB" onto his three year old son. "DB" standing for Daddy's Boy. I was disturbed by this on many levels. Why would you have tattooing needles near your toddler? How could the drunk father be the only person attending his child, and if he wasn't why did nobody stop him?

Then a listener called in with some comments that concerned me further. His five year old son has a tendency to draw on himself. His favorite is to draw the Old English "D" that represents the Detroit Tigers, and many have taken it to represent Detroit as a city. He loves to draw this, as well as a five year old could, on his own chest.

This child's parents are seriously thinking about having this tattooed on the child. The father has the same tattoo and was in a conundrum because he was concerned that he would be a bad parent if he DIDN'T have this tattooed onto his little boy. How does THAT logic go? Think about it, dad, he's probably trying to emulate you. Cover up your own tattoo for a while and see if he stops. He's five and you want to put him through that pain? How in the world could that make you a good parent?

I just got so ticked listening to this show that I had to turn it off.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Great vacation!

I had a week off from work and Dale and I went to Alabama for a get together with a bunch of people from a forum I hang out on. It was a great trip! It made all my crazy running around worthwhile.

On the way down, we stopped at the original KFC location. It incorporated a normal KFC and a mini-museum of the history of Colonel Sanders and the restaurant. It was really cool to see that it started as an addition to a motel.

When we finally got to our destination, we were exhausted and were glad to go to sleep. But since we were sleeping in a car, I kept waking up. Every time I woke up, I looked at the sky and remembered just how much I missed them. Now that I live in a metropolitan area, I rarely see stars any more. I miss them.

In the morning, we went to the Riverwalk in Columbus, Georgia. Last year it was flooded so we didn't get a chance to explore too much. This year, I took tons of pictures. We even went right up to a hydroelectric plant that is right there, and kinda checked that out. It looked really cool, but kinda run down at the same time.

That night, we took the Subaru down the drag strip. I had a blast! Between Dale and I that car went down the strip five times. But watching the MINI and all those big trucks going down the track was fun. We had barbecue there and everything. Doghouse sponsored the whole track even that night, so it was great.

The next day we chilled out and worked on trucks most of the day. Dale even helped one of the guys do ball joints on his truck. We had a date planned for that day, but with it raining off and on, and Dale and Jake preoccupied with working on vehicles the date kinda got canceled.

That afternoon, we had a 'dirty santa' raffle. It was a blast! The alcohol kept getting stolen and that got interesting. I ended up with a new roadside kit for DEX. It's compact, complete, and cute! It has the Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep logos on it. Dale ended up with a car wash kit.

We ended up leaving the following day so as to give us plenty of time to get home and relax. We wandered as far as Tennessee and got a hotel for the night. The next morning, we drove to my parents' house and spent the next night there. I have missed hanging out with my family, so it was nice to see them. The next morning, we drove home, unpacked the car, put most of that stuff away and hung out the rest of the night.

It was great to have time to hang out with all these people, but I realized that I missed hanging out with Dale. With our work schedules, we hardly see each other. I didn't realize that until this trip. I'm hoping to find a way to spend more time with him without us having to work on cars.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Big goal, big prize!

Lately, I've been looking at getting a new car. Not just new to me, I want actual new. I've been looking into the Kia Soul and I want one. I've test driven two at different dealers. One wasn't brand new, but really close as it had 33,000 miles. It had the options I wanted like fog lights, moon roof, and the better sound system and in addition, it had leather seats. I'm not a big fan of leather seats, but it was still really nice.

Now for the downside... There is no way I can afford the payment as well as the insurance payment. The law requires that I have both or neither, so I ended up with neither. I even priced out a lease plan for it, and it was just out of reach. This makes me very sad. I feel like I've worked so hard, and I can't have anything nice for myself.

So, on to the plan. Remember that one of my New Year Resolutions was to pay off my high-interest credit card bill? I'm doing well on that one. So I came up with a plan. Now I will have an incentive, but for a huge incentive, I have to have an equally huge goal.

< drumroll, please >

If I pay off ALL of my credit card debt, I can have a new car.


I have a total of three credit cards and all of them have a balance. Total balance for all three combined is a whopping $8,200. I feel like if I can pay that off by the end of 2013, I've earned a new car.

I have been working hard for a very long time, and I will continue to do so. Now I have set a goal for myself and I plan on reaching it. I have been at my new job for six months already and I still work a couple days a week at the Zone, so I will just keep my nose to the grindstone for a couple more years, pay off my stupid youth, and then I will have earned such an adult thing as a new car.

Wish me luck and lots of overtime!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pay commensurate with workload

So the topic has come up twice with two different examples over the past few days of how some people get paid so much, while others barely get paid.

The first example I came across was professional athletes (football, in particular was noted) who complain when they don't get paid more than a couple million dollars. I understand that this career is hard on the body and is generally short-lived, but what they make in one year many people can make last the rest of their life. Why squabble over a million dollars when we are still very obviously in a recession? That money could be better spent elsewhere. Examples include schools, homeless shelters, charities that benefit the homeless, and employing displaced workers.

The second example was politicians (named were the salaries of those in the Senate and House.) How can these people, in good conscience, make more than twice the AVERAGE salary? I think their pay should be commensurate to their constituents. Again, I understand that this may be a short-lived career, but there are career politicians. I would imagine that this job includes a lot of problem solving skills, but so does a law enforcement job. And law enforcement professionals have to make life and death decisions in a split second while politicians take years to pass a law.

I wish I had any of these people's salary for just one year. I would have my bills paid off and most likely have a reasonable savings. Instead I will continue to sit here in my office making split second decisions regarding deliveries and whether a plant will have to close because I can't get their parts to them in time, while they lose millions of dollars every minute they are not running. Too bad I don't make the low end of the national average salary scale.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Irony

This morning, Dale and I went to breakfast and the news was on the TV. One of the stories was about a church group protesting at a military funeral. Really?
First off, this is a CHURCH group. I would think that they might have the tact to leave the dead in peace to rest. How ticked would they be if someone picketed the funeral of someone close to them and the picketing was because of the job of the deceased?
This person most likely died in service to this country. He died for your right to free speech. Do him or her a favor and stay silent for a moment to appreciate this. I hope this moment is long enough to allow the family and friends attending the funeral to properly say their goodbyes to someone who was taken from them way too early.

Just, RAR!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monster Trucks!

The other night, Dale and I went to see Monster Jam. This is getting to be an annual event and I'm loving it! The races are kinda boring to me, but they are decent photo ops, usually.

But then comes the freestyle and that's just too fun! That's the most exciting part. That's where they are jumping, smashing, and sometimes wrecking. SO many good shots in Freestyle. One truck this year had been having a rough time earlier and we could hear the misfire. He went for the BIGGEST jump, and one wheel didn't land on the dirt in the best way, so he flipped and wrecked it, but in a rather spectacular fashion.

The major downside of this year is that the ticket said no cameras, so I didn't bring mine. I guess it meant no video cameras since there were a lot of flashes going off in the crowd every time one of the trucks jumped. But not having my camera, I was able to focus on everything that was happening, and not just what was in my viewfinder.

But it was so much fun like it was last year. I think this is going to an annual outing for us. Glee!